Lately I try not to shoot in burst mode, e.g. 8 shots per second. I set the camera to S for single shot. I concentrate more on the subject and release the shutter at the right time.

This morning I was sitting in my favorite spot, having the sun behind me, and wanted to take some pictures of Northern Cardinal’s. I setup a small plate with some seeds in it. The birds don’t go direct for the seeds. They first land on some branches nearby and check that there is no danger. Then they jump to the bowl and get the seeds.

There were no Cardinals this morning though, but I got a shot of this guy, a Red-belied Woodpecker. It was foraging in a tree right next to me. I just got two shots. The first shot was the with the back turned towards me. Then the Woodpecker got scared from the noise of my camera and turned around to see what is going on. That is when I took this shot.